What I do.

I provide insights, strategy, and design to craft human-centred digital experiences that truly resonate with users.

Inclusivity, Diversity and Accessibility.

One of my core focuses is creating inclusive digital experiences. I work closely with you to ensure your services resonate with all audiences, regardless of background, ability, or circumstance. By leveraging deep insights and strategic planning, I help break down barriers and foster meaningful connections. When your design is inclusive, it opens the door to greater engagement and a broader reach.

A scene featuring a gathering of individuals showcasing rich diversity, encompassing various ethnic backgrounds. The scene includes a woman elegantly adorned with a head wrap, a pregnant woman and a woman in a wheelchair.

Artificial Intelligence.

AI can transform the way you engage with your customers, creating smoother and more seamless interactions. Think smart chatbots and predictive insights that make every customer touchpoint more intuitive and help you connect better with your audience. AI isn't just a trend—it's a powerful tool for driving meaningful digital experiences.

An engaging visual portraying a woman seated on a cube, actively engaging with an AI bot displayed on her computer monitor.
Illustration of two people, one sitting one standing, opposite each other looking at a screen divided into four quadrants displaying charts,

Research and Insights.

I uncover customers’ needs, pain points, aspirations, and desires through qualitative and quantitative research, creating experiences that resonate and exceed expectations. By understanding your users deeply, I help you identify new opportunities and ensure every touchpoint is designed with their needs in mind.


I run dynamic workshops, in-person or remote, that help your team create meaningful, user-centred experiences. From customer journey mapping to co-design sessions and stakeholder engagement, I make sure everyone feels comfortable with the process and confident with the tools before we begin. My workshops keep everyone engaged and productive, wherever they are.

Colourful illustration of a man pointing and looking at an oversized computer screen. Computer screen displays avatars and colour Post-It Notes
Colourful illustration of a flip chart showing growth with two people either side of the flip chart.

Market Growth.

Growth isn’t just about focusing on your current customers; it’s about reaching new ones too. I help you connect with potential customers and uncover genuine business value by conducting in-depth research to identify fresh opportunities and tap into new markets.


Decisions used to be simple, but today’s customers face endless choices. I use neuromarketing techniques to uncover what truly drives their decisions—their motivations, preferences, and thought processes. By understanding the 'why' behind user behaviour, I create digital experiences that feel intuitive and natural, optimising every step of the customer journey for seamless interactions

Illustration of a woman with short hair sitting on a cube looking and gesturing at an image of a brain that represents neuro-marketing.

Create. Implement. Measure.

I start with a clear project vision and strategy—this becomes our compass all the way to launch and beyond. Yes, beyond, because that’s when we learn what’s working well and what isn’t. From there, I help you make smart, informed adjustments. Continuous analysis of user behaviour keeps your digital experiences fresh, relevant, and always a step ahead.

Illustration of a woman looking at an oversized computer screen. Three icons on the screen represent Illustration of a woman looking at an oversized computer screen. Three icons on the screen represent create, implement create, implement and measure.

Let me know how I can help your brand.